It's that time again...for some a trip down memory lane and others a better understanding of the largest generation on the planet. Check out Part 1 and Part 2 for additional context around the Millennial (Generation Y) generation.
You Might Be A Millennial If...
- Reddit is your primary source for news.
- You have Instagram'd your text messages
- You are in your manager's office more than in your own cubicle.
- Someone yells "Flying V!" and you rally.
- You think paper books are adorable.
- You won't read articles longer then 500 words or don't include video or GIFs.
- LinkedIn is your rolodex.
- You've never gotten newspaper link on your fingers.
- The new FAA lift on in-flight use of personal devices doesn't apply to you because you never turned your devices off anyways.
- "Oldies" music = Nirvana.
- You consider the Internet rather than teachers or parents as the authority.
- You consistently go outside the chain of command to pitch an idea to an executive instead of your own manager.
- You wrote and mailed a letter asking Zach Morris to your prom.
- At lunch, you daydream about launching your own business with a Kickstarter campaign.
- You ever proudly rocked a pair of Umbro shorts.
- Podcasts are quickly replacing reading as your primary form of learning.
- You wonder daily why you have to show up to a physical workplace.
- You use Zillow as your official real estate agent.
- An Apple a day truly does keep the doctor away. #DeviceAddiction
- You thought the world was going to end on 11/18/13 at 5:25pm ET when YouTube was down for 30 minutes.
- You've considered on numerous occasions to forge a doctors note to stay home from work to play Call of Duty: Ghosts.
- You blur the lines between "cheating" vs "collaborating" in school.
- You will share just about any personal information online if it means the service will be free.
- Mario taught you typing. #MarioTeachesTyping
- Your encyclopedia has always been a wiki online.
- 9 to 5 jobs seem more like a guideline than a rule.
- You consider email as outdated as snail mail.
- Your networking consists of clicks.
- You know how to write code but not cursive.
- Your favorite TV channel is a YouTube channel.
Question: What else indicates you might be a Millennial?