This Is the Most Important Thing When Recruiting Generation Z

The most important thing when recruiting Generation Z is YouTube. Here's why.

This Is the Most Important Thing When Recruiting Generation Z

Generation Z (those born after 1998) are searching for jobs and evaluating employers much differently than Millennials.

If recruiting Generation Z is your goal, follow these essential steps.

Step 1: Understand how Generation Z approaches job searching.

When it comes to finding a job, the Generation Z digital natives are looking to trusted resources offline.

  1. Ask friends and family 
  2. Ask someone they already know who works at the company
  3. Search company employment websites
  4. Job search website (Indeed, Monster, etc.)

In comparison, Millennials' preferences are completely inverted ranking "job search website" as number one and "ask friends and family" as number four.

Considering Generation Z is approaching people directly, employers should ensure existing employees are well informed of all available internal job opportunities and the type of candidates needed for the roles. An informative and easy-to-find company employment webpage that keeps employees informed and can supplement Generation Z's job search is critical.

In addition, employers should consider creating a worthwhile employee referral program that provides incentives for current employees to refer their family and friends. Encouraging existing Generation Z employees to leverage their robust social networks can expand an employer's pool of talent in ways never before experienced.

Step 2: Create a strong employer brand on YouTube and Instagram.

After job searching and identifying an opportunity at an employer, Generation Z will use digital platforms to learn more about the company.

Top seven platforms Generation Z uses to learn about a company:

  1. YouTube 
  2. Instagram
  3. Facebook 
  4. Snapchat
  5. LinkedIn
  6. Twitter
  7. Glassdoor

Forty percent of Generation Z say they would use YouTube to determine if they want to work for a company while 37 percent would use Instagram. Only 24 percent of Generation Z would use Glassdoor. YouTube's gravity should not be surprising considering 94 percent of 18-24-year-olds use it.

In comparison, Millennials say they would use LinkedIn (43 percent), Facebook (42 percent), and Glassdoor (33 percent) to determine if they want to work for a company.

The top challenge the emerging generations have before applying for a job is "not clearly understanding what working at the company would be like." This explains why Generation Z is visiting YouTube and Instagram. They want to see what it looks like to work at the company.

Help Generation Z to visualize themselves working at your company by sharing videos that highlight the company culture, the people that work there, the physical workspace, and even the surrounding city--this is especially important as Generation Z is the first generation to be more likely to choose a city before a job. Click here for more recruiting video tips.

Check out Square for a strong YouTube example and Spotify for a strong Instagram example.

Step 3: Make the job application process short and seamless.

More than 60 percent of Generation Z say the job application should take less than 15 minutes (with many saying less than 5 minutes total).

For Generation Z, the job application is a way to start the conversation. Employers should adjust accordingly.

Once hired, 66 percent of Generation Z say they need feedback from their supervisor every few weeks, or more often, in order to stay at their job. (In comparison, less than half of Millennials need the same amount of feedback to stay with an employer.)

Generation Z has similar feedback expectations during the application and interviewing process. Prompt responses and creating greater transparency during the hiring process is critical, especially since the emerging generation is the most likely generation to not do future business with a company where they had a poor experience as a job applicant.

If Generation Z isn't already knocking at your employment door, they soon will. Will you be ready?

As a Millennial and Generation Z keynote speaker and trainer, I help companies lead, engage, and sell to the emerging generations. If you'd like help solving tough generational challenges inside your organization, click here.


Meet Your Future Workforce: 4 Factors Shaping Generation Z (Video)


How Generation Z Will Transform the Future Workplace