Statistics Exposing What Generation Z Wants from the Workplace

In the United States, 14 is the minimum age required to join LinkedIn. LinkedIn recently lowered their minimum age to create an account likely due to the high ambition of Generation Z (the post-Millennial generation). Fifty-five percent of Generation Z feel pressure to gain professional experience in high school and 75 percent of Generation Z said they were more worried about getting a job and starting a career than they were about finding a soul mate.

Statistics Exposing What Generation Z Wants from the Workplace.jpg
Gain a better understanding of what Generation Z wants in a workplace, and gain a leg-up on your competition.

Statistics Exposing What Generation Z Wants from the Workplace

Workplace Selection

Workplace Performance
Workplace Management
Workplace Career
Workplace Communication & Collaboration
  • 45 percent of Generation Z cited potential challenges working with baby boomers, compared to 17 percent who anticipate difficulties with Generation X and five percent with Millennials.
  • 39 percent of Generation Z see smartphones as essential and 37 percent rely on laptops, compared to 25 percent and 30 percent across all working generations, respectively.
  • 84 percent of Generation Z prefer communicating face-to-face with a boss and 78 percent prefer communicating face-to-face with a peer.
  • 85 percent of Generation Z reported that straightforward, constructive communication is most important.
  • 42 percent of Generation Z saying they would rather finish a project on their own and get special recognition than finish the project with a group and everyone receives credit.
  • 72 percent of Generation Z said they are competitive with people doing the same job.
  • 71 percent of Generation Z said they believe the phrase “if you want it done right, then do it yourself.
Workplace Training

Consider Ryan Jenkins to be your next Millennial or Generation Z keynote speaker by clicking here...

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The Creation, Difference, and Growing Gap of Generations


NGC #051: How Marketers (and Employers) Must Adapt to Generation Z with Roy DeYoung [Podcast]