Sage Advice for the Workers and Leaders of the Future with John Sculley
The Next Generation Catalyst Podcast episode #097.
Millennial and Generation Z keynote speaker and author, Ryan Jenkins, welcomes John Sculley, Chairman of RxAdvance and former CEO of Apple and Pepsi, to the Next Generation Catalyst Podcast.
The topic discussed is sage advice for the workers and leaders of the future. We also cover...
- What does that mean to you and how can folks live a purpose driven life?
- How people can cultivate a mindset of lifelong learning
- How Generation Z (and future generations) can develop relentless perseverance
- Linear vs exponential times
The fundamentals we need to stick to as we try to integrate new technology into our lives
- How AI and other technology will shape the way we work
- And more...
Listen or subscribe to the Next Generation Catalyst Podcast on iTunes or Stitcher.
I help companies better lead, engage, train, and sell to Millennials and Generation Z. If you’d like help solving tough generational challenges inside your organization, click here.