Episode Overview
In this episode of the Next Generation Catalyst Podcast, we interview senior manager at Insight Strategy Group, Slaine Jenkins. We discuss marketing to the multi-dimensional Millennial man and how preconceptions about young men are holding marketers back from understanding the underlying values of Millennial men.
Episode Takeaways
- Some of the preconceptions of Millennial men today.
- What makes today's Millennial men a more diverse generation than ever before.
- The dimensions of the modern Millennial man.
- How are Millennial men shaping the economy, globalization, and social media.
- Specific brand aspects that Millennial men identify with.
- What is Multidimensionality and how brands can market to Millennial Men's Multidimensionality.
- How brands can foster adaptability.
- Biggest pitfalls brands fall into when marketing to Millennial men.
- If you had to sum up today's Millennial men in one word, what would it be and why?
Episode Resources
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Question: How has your marketing shifted to net Millennial men?
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