Episode Overview
In this episode of the Next Generation Catalyst Podcast, we interview CEO of the award-winning company, Marketing Zem and best-selling author, Shama Hyder. We discuss the importance of having "digital foresight" and key trends that every leader needs to understand in today's digital age.
Episode Takeaways
- What is "digital foresight" and how you can develop it?
- Key trends every leader must know.
- What is the "idea-based ecosystem."
- The growing importance of content creation and aggregation.
- Why it's crucial for every organization to embrace more video.
- The 4-screen revolution.
- Importance of using analytics and decoding digital signals.
- Why social literacy is required in today's digital age.
- The power of reverse engineering.
- How today's culture is a "giant selfie."
Episode Resources
- Shama's website
- Shama on Twitter
- Shama on LinkedIn
- Shama on Facebook
- The Marketing Zen Group
- Action Plan Marketing
- TripIt app
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