Episode Overview
In this episode of the Next Generation Catalyst Podcast, we interview sought-after speaker, author and founder and president of Growing Leaders, Tim Elmore, about how to effectively develop your Millennial employees. Tim's insights are highly valuable, relevant, and actionable.
Episode Takeaways
- Why we have to work hard at overcoming generational differences.
- A few clever techniques to better understand the Millennial generation.
- A helpful approach to better connect with your Millennial employees.
- The power of creating employee engagement with Millennials.
- The critical role reverse mentoring plays in today's workplace.
- The new era of "on-demand employees.”
- How connecting the “little things” to the big picture can empower Millennials.
- Millennials greatest leadership weakness and their greatest leadership strength.
- Why future thinking can help you make better decisions.
- What is the Poet/Gardener Leadership Style.
Episode Resources
- Tim on Twitter
- Growing Leaders
- Growing leaders blog
- Nature Valley 3 Generations video
- Habitudes video
- San Francisco 49ers coach blog post
- Evernote
- Leadership and Self-Deception book
- Donald Miller Storyboard conference
- A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald Miller
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Question: What are some of your best practices for developing Millennials?
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