How to Regain Focus in an Era of Distraction with Curt Steinhorst
The Next Generation Catalyst Podcast episode #087.
Millennial and Generation Z keynote speaker and author, Ryan Jenkins, welcomes Curt Steinhorst, Speaker and Author or Can I Have Your Attention, to the Next Generation Catalyst Podcast.
The topic discussed is how to regain focus in an era of distraction. We also cover...
- The science of attention
- What impact is today’s tech having on our brain and behavior
- Practical ways workers can regain their focus
- Practical ways leaders can help their teams regain focus
- What future trends or tech (AI for example) will impact our focus
- How to stay proactive about focus as the world gets noisier and more high tech
- A few ways to keep focus at home
- And more...
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I help companies better lead, engage, train, and sell to Millennials and Generation Z. If you’d like help solving tough generational challenges inside your organization, click here.