How to Position a Product or Service with Millennials

Millennials are entering into their prime spending years. In the U.S. alone, Millennials are spending a collective$600 billion per year. By 2020, they are projected to make up30 percent of retail sales.

How to Position a Product or Service with Millennials
Not only areMillennials’ expectations and preferences constantly evolving, but how they make purchases is in constant flux. In fact,73 percent of Millennials make purchases directly on their smartphone and 68 percent want a shopping experience seamless and integrated on all channels.
While the below infographic depicts Millennials' shopping trends, how Millennials make purchases in their personal life will influence how they purchase products and services for their employer in a B2B capacity. So it’s important whether you sell B2C or B2B to understand how Millennials prefer to purchase.

How to Position a Product or Service with Millennials

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