How to Create Better Harmony Between Work and Life with Vishal Agarwal
The Next Generation Catalyst Podcast episode #079.
Millennial and Generation Z keynote speaker and author, Ryan Jenkins, welcomes Vishal Agarwal, author of Give to Get: A Senior Leaders Guide to Navigating Corporate Life, to the Next Generation Catalyst Podcast.
The topic discussed is how to create better harmony between work and life. We also cover...
- Why do some succeed in corporate careers and others burn out
- Can anyone master work/life balance?
- Why it’s important to live up to every promise you make to your family—and how to do it
- How to maximize every minute you have with your family while at home
- Why you should never have your suitcase packed over the weekend—even if you’re traveling for work on Monday
- And more...
Listen or subscribe to the Next Generation Catalyst Podcast on iTunes or Stitcher.
I help companies better lead, engage, train, and sell to Millennials and Generation Z. If you’d like help solving tough generational challenges inside your organization, click here.