How Employee Feedback Can Skyrocket Engagement and Performance with David Hassell

The Next Generation Catalyst Podcast episode #077.

How Employee Feedback Can Skyrocket Engagement and Performance with David HassellMillennial and Generation Z keynote speaker and author, Ryan Jenkins,  welcomes David Hassell, Founder & CEO of 15Five, to the Next Generation Catalyst Podcast. 

The topic discussed is how employee feedback can skyrocket engagement and performance. We also cover...  

  • Why employee feedback is so critical in today’s workplace
  • The future of employee feedback
  • Does Generation Z want the same high frequency of feedback that Millennials have had
  • The "Best-Self Review” that helps employees avoid job stagnation
  • How strength identification skyrocket employee engagement
  • And more...

Listen or subscribe to the Next Generation Catalyst Podcast on iTunes or Stitcher.

I help companies better lead, engage, train, and sell to Millennials and Generation Z. If you’d like help solving tough generational challenges inside your organization, click here.


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