How Companies Can Best Acquire Generation Z Talent with Jenn Prevoznik [podcast]

The Next Generation Catalyst Podcast episode #054.

NGC #054_ How Companies Can Best Acquire Generation Z Talent with Jenn Prevoznik.png

Millennial and Generation Z keynote speaker and author, Ryan Jenkins,  welcomes Jenn Prevoznik, the Global Head of Early Talent Acquisiton for SAP, to the Next Generation Catalyst Podcast.

The topic discussed is how companies can best aquire Generation Z and Millennial talent. We also cover...  

  • How have Millennials and Generation Z changed the workplace
  • What does early talent want from employers
  • How is traditional education being disrupted
  • Are college career fairs dead
  • Are resumes still relevant
  • How to masterfully use Glassdoor to aquire Generation Z and Millennial talent
  • And more...

Listen or subsribe to the Next Generation Catalyst Podcast on iTunes or Stitcher.

Consider Ryan Jenkins to be your next Millennial/Generation Y or Generation Z keynote speaker by clicking here...
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