One of the greatest catalysts to next generation development is reading. I've learned to leverage the great minds from around the world by choosing to read their books. The pages they've poured countless hours and insights into our invaluable.
In this post, I briefly review one of my latest reads: The Charge, Activating the 10 Human Drives That Make You Feel Alive by Brendon Burchard.
The Charge: Activating the 10 Human Drives That Make You Feel Alive
Overall I give the book a 3.5 out of 5.
Disclaimer: Lately I'm drawn to more how-to books that correlate with my current projects (aka building a platform, products and marketing). So a heavy personal development book was not the best fit for my current workload which I think contributed to my lag in getting through the book.
Nonetheless, I still found myself quoting and referring back to the book. It must have seeped into the mental cracks that I needed it to! It's packed with relevant and interesting real life examples. However, at times it was overwhelming to keep the different drives in line and understand the clear separation of each one.
Brendon offers a robust resource page for the book where readers can access free videos and worksheets to help find their Charge. Link is located inside the book.
Top 3 things I gleaned from Brendon Burchard's "The Charge":
1) Giving of vs. Giving to.
Brendon writes "Ours is a society that has falsely assumed that contribution must mean giving to some specific cause rather than simply giving of our best selves. Thus, too many people don't recognize the fact that simply being who they are is contributing significantly to the world." Unlock your unique strengths and give of them to the world.
2) The intentionality behind being charged.
This book served as a great reminder that energy and finding one's charge isn't natural. It takes diligent reminders and intentional thought and action to act one's best in life and at their craft.
3) The Rise of the Creative Class.
Brendon looks at how the world has changed to favor a new kind of worker…the "creative collaborator". He argues social media isn't driven by a need to connect but rather to express ourselves creatively. I agree. Instagram's success is proof.
Favorite quote from the book: Start telling more stories about what fascinates you in the world.
Question: What reads are impacting you today? And/or how do you find your charge?
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