Delivering presentations (offline or online) can be one of the most influential ways to deliver information and empower people. Public speaking is a skill most fear, some tolerate and few master which makes it a prime opportunity to stand above the the crowd if it’s mastered.
Every presentation I deliver, I leverage these 3 aspects to ensure my message has the best chance to resonate with the audience. Speech coach and author, Nick Morgan says, “The only reason to give a speech is to change the world.” So make it epic.
3 Aspects Needed For An Epic Next Generation Presentation
1) Shareable.
Make your content succinct and easy to understand. Poor communicators make simple content complex but the greatest communicators make the complex simple. Simple sticks. People share simple.
- Example: Andy Stanley (pictured below) is the pastor and founder of the worldwide Christian organization - North Point Ministries. Andy is one of the greatest communicators of our time. Every time Andy speaks, he makes his core message simple. Such as: "Do for one what you wish you could do for everyone." "Your present will be your past that will shape your future." "Breathing room is the space between our current pace and our limits." These rhythmic and pithy one-liners don’t fall from the sky, they take intentionality. Andy had to toil in order to boil it down to make it simple and shareable for the audience.
2) See-able.
Make your presentations highly visual. Much of the content we consume today is visual (pictures, GIFs, video, etc.) so why should your presentations be any different? "Death by powerpoint" refers to using massive amounts of text and bullets to overload your audience. You’re better than that. Color, font, and space matter...big time! You can thank Apple for making beautiful and purposeful design a new staple in our culture. Visit the “Most Liked” section of SlideShare for some examples of effective visuals or read Nancy Duarte’s Resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences. Never underestimate the power a beautifully designed slide has on an audience.
- Example: Andy Stanley teaches from stage with a large TV monitor right next to him. He is constantly using images and light text to communicate his points and to make the message come together in the audience’s mind.
3) Streamable.
(This was the only “S” word I could think of that related to technology - so work with me.) Leverage today’s stream economy (aka connected culture) and technology to increase audience engagement. Stream your presentation online or use social media to chat with your audience before, during and after your presentation. Don’t fight the mobile device, leverage it. I use PollEverywhere to have audience members text in responses and vote live. I also refer my audience members to www.RyanIs Live.com to receive the a copy of my presentation for free.
- Example: Andy Stanley broadcasts his sermons live over the Internet and makes them available online forever for free. Each sermon series has it’s own URL and specific branding around each series. The latest example is www.RightInTheEye.org. (Yes, I understand this example is an epic amount of work and can be costly to execute but my hope is to highlight it to get your gears turning.)
Question: What helps you to deliver an outstanding presentation?